History of bullterreir
Bull-and-Terriers - crosses between Bulldogs and various terriers - gained popularity among the sporting fraternity during the early 1800s. These crosses combined the determination and courage of the Bulldog with the natural agility and intensity of the terrier. They ranged in size and colour, some showing more Bulldog heritage, while others were more terrier-like.
During the early 1860s, James Hinks of
These White Cavaliers gained a strong foothold among discerning owners as both show dogs and exceptional pets and companions. Soon their popularity spread across the
Records indicate that Hinks' breeding program employed existing Bull-and-Terriers, his own white Bulldog Madman and the now extinct White English Terriers. These early dogs were all white, with no colures markings permitted, but over time patches of colour on the head became acceptable. In the early 1900s a few breeders crossed their White Cavaliers with colures Staffordshire Bull Terriers and established the colures coat. The "Colour" was recognized as a separate variety of Bull Terrier in 1936. The standard for the Colour variety is the same as for the White except for coat colour, which must be any colour other than white or any colour with white just so long as the white does not predominate.
Given his muscular build and oft-times diabolical expression the Bull Terrier can appear quite unapproachable. To the contrary he is an exceedingly friendly dog, thriving on affection and always ready for a frolic. The Bull Terrier is the cavalier and clown of the canine race, robust and spirited, yet of a sweet and fun-loving disposition.